⭐️Stand out!⭐️

Wondering how to get your messages to stand out in a crowded inbox? We're here to help!

So, you want to stand out in a crowded inbox?
With 319.6 billion emails sent and received each day, how do you get people to notice your emails in their cluttered inboxes? We’re not talking about your weekly or monthly newsletter. We’re talking about your everyday emails, your triggered emails, and updates you send to specific individuals. Let’s find out some ways to increase your open rates to attract new customers.
First things first, you need to know your audience. We don’t mean your target audience; you figured that out a long time ago. You need to understand what your audience thinks is important, when are they most likely to read emails, if there’s a certain tone of voice or slang that is good to use (this is a great time to A/B test!), and what makes your audience different from everyone else.
Next, remember that quality is better than quantity. Sending fewer emails with genuine and meaningful content that’s personalized and not sales-y is much better than sending a lot of short and sweet emails. Sending personalized emails is a standard nowadays, but you want to be more personalized than just your usual Hi {First_Name}, automation. If you are reaching out to a potential client, do a little research. Are you in the same groups on social media? Did this person recently share an article that you found interesting? Have they written a blog post recently that you can comment on? These are all things that will lead to a high-quality email.
Another way of increasing your chances of standing out is to offer something for free. Do you have an ebook, blog post, SOP, or other information that could help your recipient? Send it their way! This type of email is still not meant to be a sales pitch. Saying something as simple as “Hey Alex! I wanted to pass along our blog about B2B marketing during the holiday season. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Enjoy!” It’s short, sweet, to the point, and most importantly, it keeps building trust and adds value to you and your emails.
Read the rest of our tips for standing out in a crowded inbox here!
Boundless Media Pet of the Week
We love our pets here at Boundless, and we think you will too.
This week's pet of the week is Andres' dog, Bloomberg!

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The Boundless Media team
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