Into the thick of it, into the thick of it, into the thick of it

We're in the thick of it over here at Boundless!
We're sure you are too which is why this week's Friday Flash is short and sweet so you can get back to doing whatever you need to do!
Please look at this adorable baby goat first though. 🥺

What to do, what to do.
We talk a lot about what you should do with your LinkedIn profiles, but this week we're going to show you what not to do on LinkedIn. Let's get started!
Someone accepted your connection request. Great, amazing, we love to see it. But don't ruin this opportunity by trying to make a sale in your first message to your new connection! Trying to sell in the first couple of messages leaves a sour taste in your prospect's mouth, and could cost you a future client. On the topic of messaging, try not to send irrelevant or impersonal messages. You want your prospects and connections to know that you actually looked at their profile before connecting and have a genuine interest in talking to them!
One of the best things you can do for your profile on LinkedIn is being active! Not taking the opportunity to like, comment, or share other people's posts can lead to your profile looking old, inactive, or even untrustworthy. Don't let your profile go stagnant. If you're using your profile for social selling you're gonna want to be, well, social!
You don’t want to ignore your profile. You've worked hard optimizing your profile and making it look amazing (read our newsletter about the topic here if you missed it!) so don’t just leave it there. Make sure to keep updating it with the most relevant information about you.
If you have any questions about what you should or shouldn't be doing on LinkedIn, feel free to reach out and ask! Make sure to check out our full-length blog post about this topic which you can find here!
Boundless Media Pet of the Week
We love our pets here at Boundless, and we think you will too.
Here's our Pet of the Week, Nico's dog Rose!

Thanks for reading!
We hope you have a fun & relaxing weekend!
With 💛,
The Boundless Media team
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