Content: The Good, The Bad, and The Places to Find Inspiration

Sarah Runyan (Content Creator & Copywriter)
Good morning everyone @here! Today our Slack It is about content. What is the design process like, what trends are happening right now, or what trends are on the rise, and where do you get your inspiration from? If you're not on the content team that's ok! Let us know what you do and don't like when you see content that's on social media. 😊
Larissa (Co-Founder, COO)
Content is king! In my opinion, it’s most valuable to showcase your expertise and help to establish your credibility. I personally find topic inspiration from feedback on social posts (comments, messages, etc.) or from other sources like Quora or Answer The Public. For design inspiration and to stay on those trends, I usually default to Pinterest! 🚀
Sarah Runyan
I agree @Larissa! Content is something that can make brands really stand out from the crowd. Sometimes it's not about having the "best" product, it's about making people remember you. They're going to buy from who they remember. 😊
Justine Anderson (Content Manager)
I love content because it’s a great way to start conversations with people. Making interactive content like polls and asking your audience questions can help them engage more with you and help you learn more about them! I get a lot of inspiration from seeing what other people are posting and seeing what comments people leave on their posts. I also use sites like Behance to find graphic design inspo.
Answer Socrates is another good resource for finding topics for content. It helps you figure out what questions people are searching on Google and answering those questions makes for great content!
Those are awesome Justine
Gonna have to check those out 😛
I do love Canva as well. Sometimes you just find the perfect graphic that gives you all the inspiration you need.
Sarah Runyan
Behance is one of my favs!! I also love that content gives brands personality
Manuel Bahamonde (Sales Development Representative)
Canva is amazing! Actually, I will remember forever a post that I think Justine did? not long ago on Instagram. A Canva hack 💯
Basically, the only thing you have to do is change the region, and Canva will give you completely different graphics based on the region.
Sarah Runyan
I love how programs like Canva are finally starting to incorporate gifs, and animations into their systems. At first, it was very limited on what you could do, and now you can animate and incorporate just about anything!
Yeah, but not all social media platforms have quite caught up yet
Sarah Runyan
That's a good thing when we're ahead of the social media curve! lol
Sierra Meyer (Account Manager)
Another trend is short-form video, it's harder to get those done with clients, we try to get them to make loom videos when we can, but nico does a great job of this on his account 👍
Nico De Bruyn (Co-founder, CEO)
what a party
Sarah Runyan

We're all just busy creating amazing content for our clients!
Nico De Bruyn
Ok ask questions and I shall answer hehe
Sarah Runyan
Hmmm... what is your favorite trend in the content world right now?
Nico De Bruyn
Favorite has to be slack it
But the ones I love to do are selfie-style videos and recording myself typing videos
Sarah Runyan
@Nico De Bruyn, I know you use Loom a lot, but are there other video recording programs you use?
Nico De Bruyn
There are but I’m #brandloyal
Sarah Runyan
Nice! lol
What is everyone's least favorite content trend that is or has happened?
Personally, I feel like the only content trends I don’t really like are super overused memes (the Vin Diesel family meme right now is overused)
Sarah Runyan
Yeah, jumping on trends with memes is good if you do it right away. If you're late to a trend party you'll most likely get overlooked.
I remember the Bernie Sanders mitten thing that everyone was adding Bernie outside their store, or in their office. It all happened so fast that it was waaaaay overused. lol
That one actually never got old for me 😂
Sarah Runyan
It didn't get old, and I totally used it! It was just everywhere. lol
Andres Clamens (Sales Development Representative)
The Vin Diesel memes can never get old
Andres Clamens
It's like a classic movie, you can watch it more than 100 times and it's never boring. But I do understand that people start overusing memes and they start losing their sense of humor.
With that said, I think it's important to stay on top of current trends and be aware of any new ones that may come along
Jose Fuentes
Honestly, Vin Diesel was fun at the beginning but it's starting to lose its thunder with me.
Jumping on the meme bandwagon it's great when the meme is fresh out of the oven
Andres Clamens
Jose Fuentes (Team Support)
+ Points if you actually nailed the joke.
The only thing that cracks me up still with Vin Diesel is the "I had faith" bit
Sarah Runyan
Yes! It’s tough when you see a meme that missed the mark. Lol
Jose Fuentes
Never gets old.
There's a running gag in Spanish about a dude complaining about that scene 😂
Sometimes is not the source material but people's reaction to it that makes it great
Sarah Runyan
What is everyone’s favorite piece of content they’ve ever created?
Jose Fuentes
I only ever did memes as far as content creation goes
I'm not savvy on that front
Sarah Runyan
It can be memes, gifs, graphics, anything
Jose Fuentes
My memes must be lost in my Facebook dark history
Sarah Runyan
😂 the black hole that is Facebook photos
My favorite is probably this one I made for a client over Christmas 😊

Sarah Runyan
This is one of my favorites! I made it last year.

Andres Clamens
Of the few content I have created, these are the best ones (Not my strong suit):

Justine Anderson
My favorite things to create recently have been stories for our Instagram! (subtle plug lol @getboundlessmedia if you wanna follow ). 😊

Sarah Runyan
I’m also a huge fan of our Slack It cover photo for our website!

Jane Tampol-Polinar (Sales Development Representative)
Not really content I posted but just created. Just started learning how to use canva.

Sierra Meyer
my first marketing position was in college and this was the first flyer I made

Nico De Bruyn
hahha I straight up remember this! 2017?
Sierra Meyer
yep fall 2017
Nico De Bruyn
Jane Tampol-Polinar
I was gonna ask if you did this in paint since that's where I used to create my university projects' logos and all. But then it's from 2017.. and I did my wedding invitations in 2017 via photoshop already.
Sierra Meyer
I think I used some version of both on my tablet? I never used that program again after that because I found canva
Sarah Runyan
I used to be an Adobe freak. Photoshop, Spark, and everything else. Canva really is a lot easier and has a ton more features!
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