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Best Ways to Actively Use LinkedIn

Sarah Runyan (Copywriter & Content Creator) Good morning everyone! We do a lot of great things here at Boundless, and LinkedIn is definitely one of them. Between our profile reviews, content creation, and posting, finding groups for our clients, and our messaging campaigns, there isn't much we can't accomplish. I want us to talk about the best ways to actively use LinkedIn and any tips or tricks you might have! Manuel Bahamonde (Sales Development Representative) I've experienced that one of the
Larissa LaMaster
Larissa LaMaster
6 min read
Sarah Runyan (Copywriter & Content Creator)

Good morning everyone! We do a lot of great things here at Boundless, and LinkedIn is definitely one of them. Between our profile reviews, content creation, and posting, finding groups for our clients, and our messaging campaigns, there isn't much we can't accomplish. I want us to talk about the best ways to actively use LinkedIn and any tips or tricks you might have!

Manuel Bahamonde (Sales Development Representative)

I've experienced that one of the most important things we can do when using LinkedIn is to stay active, do some posting, comment on other's posts, and update the profile with new info from time to time. I've seen that the accounts that do that usually are the ones that receive the higher amount of profile checks.

Sarah Runyan

Being active is definitely important! What about if someone has been dormant on LinkedIn for a while? Should they just jump right back into the swing of things?

Manuel Bahamonde

Not sure about that. Probably @Nico De Bruyn knows better. But I think that one can start giving life to the account again by joining some groups and writing an article about something interesting to the group's current followers, something to entice them to discuss a topic.

Nico De Bruyn (CEO, Co-Founder)  

Answer is yes

If you haven't been creating, now's a GREAT time to get started! It only gets more crowded.

Larissa  (COO, Co-Founder)  

Definitely agree. Never too late to become active on any platform, especially LinkedIn.

IMO, the biggest benefit that being engaged on the platform gets you is that if you do lead gen from your account, you look so much more credible. (AKA: it is clear you are not a bot)

Sarah Runyan

What does everyone think is the most important part of being active is? i.e., posting regularly, commenting and sharing, being active in groups, etc.

Sinai Oleta (Sales Development Representative)  

I think the most crucial part is to be active with the contacts we already have. Sometimes, they look for something specific that one does, but they don't remember you or the client. It has happened to me that 3 months ago they were not interested, but suddenly I write them, and they want to book a meeting to talk, and in no time they become a client... Obviously, getting to connect with more people is always essential to grow our network and scale more.

Manuel Bahamonde

I agree, as Sinai said. Connecting is really important too! The more people you know, the more people who might be interested in what you offer you reach. It is a matter of percentage %

That's why even when not getting meetings, we're still doing something crucial to the development of the businesses. one never knows when someone will need what you offer, and if you already connected with them, it makes everything easier.

Justine Anderson (Content Manager)  

Totally agree, @Manuel Bahamonde; one way I love finding new people to connect with is through Groups. Joining groups and interacting with the people within the group is an awesome way to get new connections and stay active on LinkedIn. Asking questions, answering questions, sharing relevant articles, sharing personal stories, and interacting with other people’s posts is a great way to show that you’re open to connecting with people!


^Plus Group connections don’t use up your connection limit

Justine Anderson

Always a plus!

Jose Fuentes (Team Support)

Following this train of thought, I believe building a widespread network is the most important thing about connecting. You never know where opportunities could be hiding since sometimes they come from strange places. The more, the merrier, they say.

Sarah Runyan

Yes, @Jose Fuentes! This is what I think when I connect with people!

Jose Fuentes

I totally understand the feeling haha

Sarah Runyan

Soooo...what's something that LinkedIn doesn't do anymore that you miss the most? Or, what is something LinkedIn does that you don't like?


I just want to throw in here that connections are valuable in other ways, too - they boost your network of 2nd and 3rd connections. So when you post things, there’s a greater likelihood that it will not only be seen by your connections but the connections of your connections as well. It also opens up the pool of who you can connect with.

Jose Fuentes

I definitely hate that LinkedIn allows emojis in your name. I mean, why even??


I actually like that

Adds a little bit of spice

Jose Fuentes

It gives automation a big middle finger tho

Sarah Runyan

I like emojis too!  I think it can make your profile stand out.

But, yes...It does take away from automation.

Manuel Bahamonde

I disagree, not necessarily destroys automation. I think that one can use automation in a way that feels personal without saying the name of a person in the messages. Actually, emojis add some conversational value sometimes.

Jose Fuentes

Hmm... please elaborate on that one. Conversational values?


You know, a picture tells a thousand words. Or… emojis in this case

Jose Fuentes

I guess so. I can see where's that going.

Manuel Bahamonde

Sure, haven't you asked yourself why some people add some emojis to their names? If they add a sun, maybe they are merry, or perhaps they are from Florida, haha. Sometimes if the conversation is slow, but the person is nice to you, we can ask why they decided to add certain emojis. I think that one can use that as an advantage.

Jose Fuentes

Oh, now I get you! It just from my experience, they put them there to spite automation.

Manuel Bahamonde

Sometimes they do. That's why having a "nameless" approach works with them. But I think it's important to know that LinkedIn is a social media and people love to express themselves.

Sarah Runyan


Andres Clamens (Sales Development Representative)

I agree with Manuel. Using emojis is a way for a person to express themselves and, in an indirect way, shows a bit of their personality. It also allows us to put a little more color in a world that is sometimes black & white.

Andres Clamens

On the other hand, I do get what Jose is saying about it destroying the automation since some people don't like those who use automation, but if you look at it from a different POV, it does get people to respond to our initial messages, and that's where we do our magic.

Jose Fuentes

Exactly. I need that Yugi meme "you activated my trap card."


True! At the end of the day, the goal on LinkedIn (whether through content or outreach) is conversations. That’s the real value of the platform IMO. I don’t love it as a social media platform in terms of UI/UX, but it is an excellent connection platform.

Manuel Bahamonde

That's why it sucks that they limit daily connections, haha

Jose Fuentes

But that does prevent spamming @Manuel Bahamonde. Otherwise, LI would be BOT hell.

Sarah Runyan

Have you found a good way to work around the connection limit?


We have our ways

Sarah Runyan

It's MAGIC!!! lol

By workaround, I mean does everyone see groups as being more beneficial because others will reach out to connect first?

  • Groups
  • Software magic
  • Inmails
  • Engagement to get people to connect with us
Manuel Bahamonde

Yeah, that helps, but just following groups won't solve the problem. The magic you talked about is the magic of intelligent prospecting and having an awesome team who thinks of the perfect way to engage with each lead.


Sarah Runyan


So far, we know the following:

  1. Be active with current connections
  2. Join groups to help expand your connections
  3. Don't turn away a connection
  4. Being active makes your look credible
  5. Emojis are fun (but suck for automation)
  6. Our Boundless team is magic

What are some other ways to get the most out of LinkedIn?

Manuel Bahamonde

If the company has enough connections, I encourage them to create their own group page. That's a way to do advertising (please, don't be too obvious), offer their services, and create a healthy community where they can discuss relevant topics.


To get more out of LI you need to utilize the paid features - Sales Nav is probably the most useful for targeting, prospecting, etc.

Manuel Bahamonde

I agree!

Andres Clamens

Sales nav is the #1 tool for lead gen on LinkedIn.

Sarah Runyan

Last few minutes for giving advice about the best practices to actively use LinkedIn

Sierra Meyer (Account Manager)  

Endorsing people and sending them happy birthdays to stay top of mind  don’t know if it’s already been said, but today, one of our clients pointed out that they like that we’re not robotic

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